Impact Report
Update from the Executive Director
I am extremely proud of the Playworks Indiana team and of our partners! Playworks Indiana both grew and stayed the course during the 23-24 school year. Our impact expanded both in depth and breadth without deviating from who we are as an organization who is dedicated to bringing safe and inclusive play to indiana youth.
By providing consistent, year over year support, we saw school partnerships of many years take off and soar to new heights. Our professional development and consultancy services outperformed our goal for the year by 12%. Furthermore, we began tracking the number of youth impacted through out-of-school and early childhood programs receiving training. By collecting this data and combining it with school data, we discovered that 18,795 youth were impacted by training provided by Playworks in Indiana and Kentucky.
We solidified a mutually beneficial relationship with the Louisville Dept of Health & Wellness, allowing four schools in Louisville to partner with Playworks at no cost to the school.This partnership will expand to Louisville out-of-school and early childhood programs in the coming year.
We served the second largest TeamUp cohort in Playworks Indiana history with 11 schools and maintained three TagTeam partner organizations. We put plans in place to expand the equity of our impact through language access services.
Playworks Indiana grew and supported our team, ensuring our staff gained tangible and marketable skills within a supportive and joyful environment. We are secured funding for staff renewal efforts as well as trauma informed workplaces initiatives.
I am exceedingly proud of the work our team has invested in youth across Indiana and Kentucky this year and look forward to the future.
Play On!
Audrey Hallmann
Regional Director
Playworks Indiana
This year we served
Youth Leaders
76.66% Free/Reduced Lunch Eligible Students with direct service partners
“Partnering with Playworks has been very beneficial for my students. They really enjoyed learning the new games…It has helped a lot of our students who normally didn’t participate in games have the confidence to play.”
– Classroom Teacher
According to our Annual Survey,
% of educators agree that Playworks helps…
increase the number of students that are
physically active
students develop the skills to succeed in their learning community
improve the school climate
create an environment of belonging
reduction in the number of disciplinary incidents
create opportunities for inclusion of diverse groups of students