
Large Group (10 and up)
Grades 1-2
10 minutes or more
Development Goal
To develop an understanding of the structure of a kickball field and team play.
Before You Start
- On a traditional kickball field, place a kickball, football, and frisbee at home-base.
- Mark the outfield with enough numbers for half the group.
- The numbers should designate outfield play positions.
- Discuss the importance of staying at your position, calling your ball and, if necessary, passing the ball or equipment to teammates in the outfield.
- Be prepared to discuss staying in your kicking order for players in the infield.
- Explain the rules and then ask students to explain the game back to you.
How to Play
- Divide the group into infield and outfield teams and give each child on each team a number.
- The numbers denote the kicking order and their positions in the outfield.
- Kickers come up to home plate one at a time.
- They can kick the kickball into the field, punt the football or throw the frisbee.
- Then, the student runs around the bases continuously.
- The fielders retrieve the equipment, pass them infield and put them on their appropriate bases; the kickball on first base, the football on second base, and the frisbee on third base.
- The fielders are trying to quickly place the equipment before the runner reaches home-base.
- If the runner gets to home base first that’s a point scored.
- Remind students to be careful about base-blocking and stepping on equipment when running the bases.
- Add more equipment choices.
- Equipment retrieved can all be placed at the pitcher’s mound.
- Use three regular playground balls, and let the students kick, throw, or punt all three.