Consultative Support

Playworks TeamUp
Collaborate with an on-site Playworks recess expert to empower your recess team. The Playworks TeamUp service partners with elementary schools by providing an on-site coordinator to teach, model, and empower a sustainable recess program. A fusion of Playworks Coach and Playworks Pro, TeamUp provides a single site coordinator to four partner schools. The site coordinator spends a week each month at each school leading, supporting, and empowering the recess team—including a lead recess coach—to create a safe, inclusive playground for all students.
Recess Reboot
Not ready for a full year of Playworks TeamUp? Kick the year off right with Recess Reboot: four days of on-site training, consulting, and capacity building. An experienced trainer will come to your school to demonstrate and teach strategies, games, and systems to sustain a positive culture of safe and healthy play. Your school leaves with tools, techniques, and an action plan to continue a strong culture of play throughout the year. Get in touch.
Consultation Visit
Strengthen and plan for safe and healthy play at your school. Playworks provides 1-1 coaching and consulting on-site. We conduct a recess assessment using our evidence-based Great Recess Framework. An experienced Playworks trainer guides your school’s leadership and recess teams through setting realistic recess goals and ensuring successful implementation of the program. A comprehensive written report is provided after the visit. Your school leaves with ideas, strategies, and an action plan to sustain a positive recess culture. Find out more.
Playworks TagTeam for Youth Organizations
Playworks TagTeam is a year-long certification program that builds capacity for out-of-school-time partners to run a recess service at schools in their community. Through Playworks TagTeam, we’re sharing our evidence-based recess strategies that have been cultivated over 25 years with out-of-school-time partners in order to increase the number of adults who are trained to facilitate safe and healthy play at recess across the country. Partner organizations become certified to lead Playworks TagTeam programming with schools. Find out more.
Case Studies

March 13, 2019
Behind the Scenes: Reinforcing SEL with Games ›
You probably know the saying “you are what you eat.” But did you know that you are also “how you play”? When it comes to social and emotional learning (SEL),…

May 10, 2017
How Canyons School District Improved Outcomes District-Wide With Playworks ›
When Utah introduced new state PE standards in 2015, Canyons knew they needed to act quickly. At the same time, they didn’t want to lose sight of their highest-priority strategies…

November 28, 2016
How One Tennessee School Turned Recess Around ›
When P.E. teacher Hannah Reinke found out that her students at Antioch Middle School in Nashville, Tennessee would get daily recess, she was thrilled. Then reality hit. Last year, Antioch…
Explore Our Services
Onsite Coaches
Create a culture of play before, during, and after school every day with a skilled Playworks Coach.
Consultative Support
Equip your recess team through on-site support and modeling during the school day.
Staff Training
Sharpen play facilitation skills with professional development for your staff.