Studies on Playworks
Studies on Playworks
April 17, 2024
An Evaluation of the Playworks Relay Program in Aurora Public Schools ›
Researchers have established evidence that recess provides cognitive and academic benefits, social and emotional benefits, and physical benefits to children during the school day. Over the past two decades, Playworks…
November 8, 2022
Holistic Student Assessment (HSA) Retrospective Self-Change (RSC) survey ›
Between Fall 2021 and Spring 2022, Playworks collaborated with Partnerships in Education and Resilience (PEAR) to collect data across 8 regions involving 710 4th and 5th graders in schools offering…
May 11, 2018
Evidence-based Strategies for Socially, Emotionally and Physically Beneficial School Recess ›
Based on the evidence obtained from the authors’ investigation with Playworks participants and coaches, five strategies were identified for health and physical education practitioners to consider in the implementation of…
March 22, 2018
Development of the great recess framework-observational tool to measure contextual and behavioral components of elementary school recess ›
This study established initial evidence for a valid and reliable assessment tool to observe school recess environments with a specific focus on safety, resources, student engagement, adult engagement, pro-social/anti-social behavior,…
December 8, 2017
Social and Emotional Learning Interventions Under the Every Student Succeeds Act ›
A new review conducted by RAND Corporation and commissioned by The Wallace Foundation found that Playworks stands out among social and emotional learning (SEL) programs for evidence of impact. The…
May 2, 2013
Impact and Implementation Findings from an Experimental Evaluation of Playworks: Effects on School Climate, Academic Learning, Student Social Skills and Behavior ›
Summary A randomized control trial by Mathematica Policy Research and Stanford University found that compared to control schools, Students are more physically active at Playworks schools: There was a 43%…
April 11, 2017
The Impact of a Multi-Component Physical Activity Programme in Low-Income Elementary Schools ›
Results from this study provide evidence that school recess can be used to teach social–emotional competencies that can impact student behavior during recess and in the classroom. There were an…
April 13, 2017
The Impact of a Recess-Based Leadership Program on Urban Elementary School Students ›
Urban youth face more barriers to physical activity outside of the school day. Results from this study suggest that youth have the ability to be change makers in the school…
February 1, 2016
Building A Culture of Health Through Safe and Healthy Elementary School Recess ›
The Playworks TeamUp program can help schools make recess more organized and safe, and ensure healthy play is taking place. Participating schools reported improvements in recess organization, students’ familiarity with…
March 1, 2016
The Impact of Playworks on Students’ Physical Activity by Race/Ethnicity: Findings from a Randomized Controlled Trial ›
The impact of Playworks was larger among minority students than among non-Hispanic white students. One possible explanation is that minority students in non-Playworks schools typically engaged in less physical activity,…
January 21, 2015
The Impact of Playworks on Boys’ and Girls’ Physical Activity During Recess ›
Girls in Playworks schools had significantly higher accelerometer intensity counts and spent more time in vigorous physical activity than girls in control schools. Girls in the treatment group were also…
December 1, 2014
Playing Fair: The Contribution of High-Functioning Recess to Overall School Climate in Low-Income Elementary Schools ›
In schools that achieved a high functioning recess, teachers and principals agreed that by the end of the year, recess offered more opportunities for student engagement, conflict resolution, pro-social skill…
May 1, 2013
Findings from an Experimental Evaluation of Playworks: Effects on Play, Physical Activity and Recess ›
Accelerometer data showed that Playworks had a positive impact on students’ physical activity during recess. Students in treatment schools engaged in physical activity during recess that was, on average, more…

August 1, 2011
Physical Activity and Positive Youth Development: Impact of a School-Based Program ›
After one year of exposure to Playworks, students showed statistically significant increases in the following four protective factors as compared to students with no exposure to Playworks: (1) Physical Activity,…